Welcome to How-To-Survive-High-School-like-a-Boss!

Where you will learn

But really. the first thing you should do is to try and make friends if you dont already have some.

But how? You may ask. As hard as it may seem, there are a few ismple, important tips you should follow to help build your way up the social ladder.

TIP NUMBER 1 Don't be afraid to approach people. yep. that's right. talk to people. it's possible.

Here's a snapshot of how you can do so:



Tip number 2:

Be inviting.

Be inviting.

Be inviting.


If you are unsure as to how one smiles, click here for a tutorial. A smile goes a long way. When you walk in the corridors, don't hunch over your books or keep your eyes on the floor. Stick your chin up and make eye contact with other people. Ask a question to start a conversation, chat about the new school: "How long have you gone to this school?" "What was your old school?" etc. You get the gist.

Still confused? Here you go.